The needs of those who have suffered the loss of a child are special. One of those needs is to share the pain with others who have experienced this very difficult kind of grief. The Archdiocese of Newark support groups are led by trained facilitators - parents who have personally experienced the death of a child. There is hope. There is help. It is possible to survive even this loss. Please contact:
Lauren Egan (English) |
973.497-4327, [email protected]
Yamilka Genao (Spanish) |
973-497-4326, [email protected]
Group Meeting - Meets the 3rd Monday of Each Month
St. Peter the Apostle R.C. Church
Rectory Basement
445 Fifth Avenue
River Edge, NJ 07661
7:30pm to 9:30pm
No pre-registration required and no fee.
Group Meeting - Meets on the 1st Wednesday of Each Month
St. Thomas the Apostle R.C. Church
Parish Center, St. Thomas Room
60 Byrd Avenue
Bloomfield, NJ 07003
7:30pm to 9:30pm
(July & August begin at 7pm)
No pre-registration required and no fee.
Support Group for Fathers Whose Children Have Died
Notre Dame RC Church
(Parish Center)
359 Central Avenue
North Caldwell NJ
973-226-0979 or 973-497-4327
10:00am to 12:00pm
Pre-registration is required.
Bereavement Fall Sessions
In the Fall, there are 7 consecutive Thursday evenings where the group will gather to go through the stages of grief. The sessions typically begin in September. Please consult the parish bulletin for more information.
Bereavement Meetings (November through August)
The Bereavement Ministry typically meets on the 2nd Thursday of each month at 7:00 pm. Please consult the parish bulletin for the Zoom schedule.