The RCIA is a rite through which the Church celebrates the sacrament of Baptism of adults. The central purpose is conversion. Who are the participants? Persons who were never baptized in any tradition, individuals who have been baptized in another tradition who seek full communion with entrance into the Catholic Church or baptized Catholics who seek to complete their initiation by receiving the sacraments of Confirmation and/or Holy Eucharist. During the RCIA Process the participants attend sessions that study the doctrines, sacraments, and moral teachings of the Catholic Church. Prayer, reflection, sharing and Bible readings are essential to each meeting. We meet on Tuesday evenings from 7:30-9:00 pm in the Parish Center.
The RCIA has four stages:
+Evangelization-Inquiry: A time of inquiry takes place before a person makes a decision to ask for admission into the Catholic Faith Community. Participants experience spiritual counsel and faith instruction during this time.
+Catechumenate: Those not baptized become members of the Catechumate. A Catechumen is one who is continuing the faith journey to baptism at the Easter Vigil. A formal rite is celebrated which is called The Rite of Welcome and Acceptance. The participants are presented with the Sign of the Cross and the Scriptures. Those seeking Full Communion or who are completing their initiation keep the title of Candidate throughout the process of formation.
+Lent: The Rite of Election is celebrated on or near the First Sunday of Lent. This Rite takes place at the Basilica of the Sacred Heart in Newark. Those to be admitted to Baptism are named as the Elect and enter the the period of Purification and Enlightenment. On the third, fourth and fifth Sundays of Lent special rites called Scrutinies are prayed for the Elect. During Lent a deeper reflection occurs. Conversion is a surrender of oneself to the truth of Jesus Christ. The RCIA Participants, and the whole Church, ponders the gift of Jesus, who was sent by the Father, to be our redeeming Lord.
+Mystagogy: The Sacraments of Initiation are celebrated at the Easter Vigil. During the Easter Season and the stage of mystagogy the newly baptized and newly initiated continue to learn how to live as Catholic Christians.
Father John Job
201.891.4200 ext. 280 | [email protected]